Lady Lynxx writes...

...literary crack on ice

Lady Lynxx is back with a new series! GARDEN OF EDEN - Part 1

** Sorry but I can't seem to put spaces in the paragraphs with this new format! arrgh! *** - Lady Lynxx


Nothing was going to take her out of the chair on the porch. Absolutely nothing. Well almost nothing. She guessed if Eden had stared crying, she would have to get up and tend to her so she wouldn’t wake Joe up with her wailing along with half of the neighborhood. Dawn had just broken only moments earlier and Dorothy Simone Farmer was sitting in one of the chairs that her father had loving made for her porch, quietly writing poetry. She knew that it was a little clichéd, but jotting her feelings down in the form of a rhythmical poem always relaxed her. Even when things seemed impossible, sharing her world with a small notebook took the edge of the sharp.


These days, dawn was the only time that she had to herself; the rest of the day was filled with being a wife-to-be, mother and a student. The weekends were even busier because her mother refused to play baby sitter to Eden once Dorothy was a home all day. Homework be dammed.


As the birds chirped in the trees as they always did each morning, Dorothy thought of what she always thought of each morning. How the hell did she get herself into the mess that she was in? And then she remembered. It was Darryl’s fault. Darryl Lee that still lived with his old momma at the age of 35. Darryl Lee that was the neighborhood joke for not having a wife – people even thought that he had an unnatural love for his mother or that he was gay. People always laughed at Darryl, but only behind his back of course. His mother was Lucinda Lee, who’s late husband and Darryl’s father, Jackson Lee had owned almost half the town and in his death passed his estate on to Lucinda and a shrewd board of trustees. In the 12 years since he had died, his widow had seen to it that Darryl’s trust had increased in value by over 300% due to some smart investments. Everyone in town knew that the Lee family were rich, but if the eligible bachelorettes had known just how rich, they probably would have been lining up outside the Lee residence all waiting their turn to try to impress Darryl.


Darryl simply wasn’t interested in other women – he knew that he was wrong for messing with her so young, but he only had eyes for Dorothy. His heart wanted to wait until she was at least 18 before he troubled her, but she looked so ripe at 13 that he just couldn’t help himself. She was a smart kid and he wasn’t the only one that thought so. Dorothy regularly came top of her class in school and was tipped to be one of those few people ever in the history of their Louisiana town that would study at Princeton, Yale or Harvard. Thanks to him though, it wasn’t to be. From the way he behaved, most people thought that Darryl was a virgin and he was very shy around women – he also taught Sunday school at times, so local parents felt safe to leave their kids around him. Dorothy’s parents certainly would never have believed that he had fathered her child.


She knew the exact day it had happened, one night by the Latham’s farm when Darryl was supposed to be dropping her home from Bible study. She was due to turn 16 in three months when Darryl impregnated her. They’s already crawled to the back of his truck and gotten under the blanket when he realised he had no condoms.


“Fuck it.” Darryl had said. “I’ll make sure I come onto the blanket instead. I ain’t passin’ up an opportunity to have my baby. I love you Dorothy.” He affirmed.


“I love you too Darryl.” Dorothy replied, not quite knowing what it meant.


She thought of poor Joe as Darryl mounted her and made her feel sweet heaven. She loved Joe more than her heart could stand, but he just couldn’t hold a candle to Darryl when it came to love-making. Yes his dick was much bigger, but at only 18, Joe didn’t yet know what to do with his size. He just spent most of the time apologising to Dorothy in case he hurt her. Darryl in complete contrast was a stallion compared to Joe’s foal. Dorothy could feel her heart in her mouth whenever Darryl entered her; she could feel electricity flow thru his body whenever he orgasmed and the look in his eyes once he was done was just so intoxicating. It wasn’t Joe’s fault- she guessed he had the time to learn.


That night Darryl had claimed that he didn’t come inside her and even showed her the wet patch on his red blanket to prove it. Dorothy didn’t feel right though, but didn’t say it. She could see the guilt in his eyes – she knew that he probably couldn’t help himself at the crucial moment and spilled a little semen inside her. She knew she would know what he had done in a month.


When she’d told Joe that she was pregnant, he hadn’t even let her finish before he grabbed her and spun her in the air in his parent’s small cabin. He hadn’t let her break it to him that it wasn’t his child. Joe simply assumed that Dorothy was faithful to him as he had been to her. But then again, Joe wasn’t a complex soul. He was quite simple. As far as he was concerned, if his girlfriend was pregnant, he would marry her. It was so simple to him and that was that. Dorothy accepted his proposal of course; Joe got down on one knee and asked her the question that he’d been dying to ask her since they’d started dating when she was 14. She guessed that she should have a boyfriend back then – to cover up her situation with Darryl. Her mother always attributed her new found glow to Joe. Everybody in her family loved Joe. Dorothy knew that being with Darryl was out of the question no matter how much he proclaimed that he would claim her as his on her 18th birthday. She hoped to God that she would have persuaded Joe that they should leave town by then.


Joe hadn’t even questioned her; it wasn’t as if she was Caron Foster or somebody. Caron Foster was the school slut. Dorothy remembered that this was the same thing that her dad had told her when she’d announced her pregnancy to her parents with Joe by her side for support. Marlon’s face was a black as thunder when his youngest daughter told them that she was pregnant – he had hoped for more for her. She was the smartest child they had and he’d always told her that she would be more than she could ever dream to be.


The shock of the announcement made Marlon slap her face sharply and shout at her as she broke down. Dorothy looked up at him in disbelief – her father had never laid a finger on her all her life. She guessed that he was very disappointed in her.


“It’s not like you’re Caron Foster!” Marlon had raged. “It’s not like you’re some slut that everybody expects to get pregnant before her high-school graduation! Even Caron is smart enough not to let some idiot nut up in her!” he continued while glaring at Joe.


“It’s not like that at all sir!” Joe said bravely. He stood up to Marlon and was thankful that he at least matched up to him in height at 6ft 3 inches. “I’ve asked her to marry me sir. I love Dorothy and we wanna be together. We always used condoms sir…I didn’t mean to get her in the family way at all. Imma take care of your daughter sir…please don’t hit her…please don’t be mad sir.” He begged.


“But what about her education! My daughter is smart young man! She is at the top of her class – she is on honor roll! What about her future? What future can you give her? You chop wood with your daddy for a living….is that what you can offer her?” Marlon snapped.


Dorothy’s mother Evette pulled his arm sharply to make him stop his tirade.


“Now you hush Marlon, we ain’t no better than Joe’s family. We’s all working families. Just because you got some high dreams for Dorothy, don’t mean that Joe ain’t good enough for her. Who’d you rather her be with, someone like Lucinda Lee’s son just cos they’s rich?” Evette reasoned. “Come on now. Look, both of you men need to sit down while we talk this thru. The boy already said he wants to marry her; now that’s better than her older sisters. I’m not happy that three of my daughters already have children and no husband, so I’ll take at least one that will have one. Even IF she is 15.”


Marlon sat down slowly as he realised Evette was right – that was one of the reasons he loved her and had put a ring on her finger. In many ways, Marlon could see himself in the 18 year old Joe. He had an honest job and always would. But Marlon knew that Dorothy’s life would never be easy if she married a man like him and that was what he was afraid of. Dorothy’s intelligence amazed him and in many ways she was his favourite daughter out of his four even though he would never admit it. Dorothy was supposed to be more – but as his wife had just pointed out, it wasn’t the end of the world. They would just have to figure something out.


“I’m sorry son.” Marlon relented. “It’s just that I kinda have a soft spot for my Dorothy that’s all. I want her to have the best….”


“So do I sir. I’ll work as hard as I can to make her life easier sir, I promise.” Joe replied. “I’ve given her my grandmama’s engagement ring, but we’ll have to save up for the wedding. I don’t think we can do it until the baby is born because I want us to have a wedding day we will always remember.”


Dorothy was still quietly sobbing as this was going on around her; she felt so guilty for letting Joe take the fall, but what could she do? Darryl’s name could never be mentioned.


“Come here sweetie.” Marlon said to her gently. “I ain’t mad at you anymore…I’m sorry that I hit you. I’m sorry baby, you know how much I want for your future. You know how many times we’ve talked about it. I would have been so proud of you baby, you going to college and all….”


“And having a baby don’t mean it can’t happen!” Evette said. “Somebody would think that having a baby is the end of her life! Don’t need to be – she got me don’t she? Dorothy,” she began while facing her daughter. “You’re gonna keep going to school until the baby is born and then when you give birth, you’ll go back to school a week after. I’ll take care of the baby until you get back from school and when Joe is back from work, he can watch your child while you do your school work. What do you think?”


Dorothy smiled and nodded. “Thank you mama….”


“Thank you Mrs Farmer.” Said Joe.


“No more Mr and Mrs Farmer,” Evette chided. “Joe, you’re family now so you call us mom and dad. Oh and bring your parents over here so we can discuss the situation. Maybe they can figure out some things to help you kids out too.”


Dorothy looked at her mom and dad and began to sob even deeper. That was it then; she would be married to Joe. It was sealed and her thing with Darryl was over.


The last time she’d spoken to Darryl before Eden was born was to tell him that it was over. There would be no more Bible study and no more sex between them.


“I’m engaged now.” Dorothy had said to him firmly.


“I know.” Darryl had replied. “But what are you gonna do if the baby looks like me huh Dorothy? You gonna keep up the lie?”.


“So what did you expect me to tell Joe then? And my papa? And my mama? Tell them that you first touched me when I was 13? That you’re a child molester?”


“It ain’t like that and you know it! You wanted it as much as I did! We couldn’t keep our hands off each other!”


“But you were 32 back then Darryl and you should have known better.”


“Did you know that you’re my first?” he said attempting to change the subject.


“Yeah I know.”


“You’re the only woman that has ever made me feel like a man; you don’t make me nervous or stupid like them other women in town.”


“Darryl, I’m not a woman. I’m a girl.”


“You’re about to have my baby – you’re a woman.” He reasoned simply.


“I hate you Darryl Lee! I wish I never see you ever again!” Dorothy snapped before she slammed his car door and ran home.


She was glad that she’d ended it with him long before she was so heavily pregnant that she couldn’t run or the effect would have been lost. She didn’t hear from Darryl again until Eden was eight months old. Her body had blossomed from childbirth and her lactating breasts filled out all of her old dresses. Darryl had been watching her most weekends and also when she would come out on to the porch to feed Eden hours before Joe got home from work.


Marlon who was a carpenter and general handy man by trade, had loving built the young couple a small house out of the outbuilding that the family had on their premises. It was just a short five minute walk away from their main family home and he had with Joe and Joe’s father Sam’s help, transformed it into a two bedroom house complete with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and raised porch with seats for when people came around. Dorothy would simply pick up Eden from her mother after school and walk the few minutes to her own house. She would make dinner for Joe and was fine for the time being playing happy families. But she did miss Darryl.


Darryl managed to catch Dorothy alone one evening when she was walking alone to the store to get some nappies for Eden, since Joe had forgotten to pick some up on his way home. She decided to let him eat his meal and watch Eden while she took a solitary stroll under the stars. She wished that it wasn’t Darryl waiting outside the store in his pick up, but it was.


“How you doin’?” he asked her. “Motherhood suits you.”


“I’m fine Darryl just fine. I’m going back home now and I don’t have time to chat. My husband is waiting for me.” Dorothy solidified.


“You ain’t married to him yet Dorothy.” He jumped out of his vehicle and held her arm firmly to stop her from going anywhere, then whispered in her ear. “I want you Dorothy Farmer, more than you could ever know. I’ve been burning inside all these months, waiting for you to have that baby. I ain’t had some good loving in damn near a year. I’m coming for you…your pussy is mine, y’hear me?”


“Leave me alone Darryl! You already got me into this mess…I ain’t gonna cheat on Joe!”


“You already done cheated on Joe so what’s the difference now?”


“He’s asked me to marry him that’s the difference.”


“But I know you want me….look at you. Your face is already flushed and I’ll just bet that your panties are wet. I got condoms, so no fuck-ups this time.”


Dorothy kept silent. Evette had wisely made her go on birth control once Eden was born so that she could concentrate on her studies instead of getting pregnant again. She was still having sex with Joe, but it was still very much their usual run of the mill missionary position. She sighed deeply as Darryl pulled her to the side of his truck out of the view of the store; he then traced the shape of her nipple under her cotton dress and pinched it. After that he used his other hand to find her clitoris under the skirts of the dress. He only needed one finger as he rubbed her private place to the kind of orgasm that she hadn’t experienced in nearly a year also. He covered her mouth so no one would hear her cry out in ecstasy.


After that, Darryl dragged Dorothy to the back of a big tree and proceeded to fuck her up against it in the dark. He pulled her panties to the side and slipped a condom on as he had promised, before sliding his hard aching penis into her. She was so wet that it just gilded in. Dorothy’s senses peaked again as he thrust into her urgently. Nobody on earth made her feel as wanted as he did and that was the drug. They fulfilled their lust under the cover of night and nobody could see them. Only God could see them, thought Dorothy.


“Hurry up and come.” She whispered. “I told Joe I was just going to pick up some nappies for Eden. I gotta go!”


Darryl looked at her sweaty faced and nodded. Three pumps later and he was done. She pushed him away and quickly asserted herself before walking off briskly.


“Let me give you a ride half-way.” Darryl offered.


“No!” Dorothy barked. “Never again, you stay away from me!”


She ran back home as fast as she could, but guilt seemed to be making her feet heavier to lift. As she reached her street, Dorothy could see that her Grandma was sitting on the porch to her father’s house. Grandma Elizabeth didn’t talk much at all. In fact she hadn’t really spoken to anyone since Grandpa Winston had died eight years prior. But Grandma watched and Grandma knew what people didn’t think she knew. She watched her granddaughter walk up to the house with her dress a little dusty and her thick afro plaits askew. Dorothy tried to walk past her Grandma quickly, but was taken aback when she spoke.


“Fix your hair child. Fix your dress.” She said and smiled.


“Thank you.” Dorothy said in shock. “Good night Grandma.”


Grandma Elizabeth nodded and continued staring into space. She knew what Dorothy had done, but it wasn’t her business. She only meant to help the young girl so she wouldn’t get herself into a worse situation. Even a simple man like Joe would notice a dusty dress and mussed up hair.

And so it began.


© Lady Lynxx 2010




*Hey ladies! I've been away for a minute but I'm back! This is my new series and I will be doing this every week for you all. Hope you all love this. I woke up this morning and it just came to me, so I thought I'd better type!* - Lady Lynxx

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Comment by lady lynxx on February 20, 2010 at 3:19pm
Thanks Leisi!
Comment by Leisl Smith on February 17, 2010 at 5:52pm
Mannnn...You just keep on writing honey; you were born for this!!!

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