Dorothy picked her daughter out of her crib the next morning to feed her just before dropping her off with Evette. She held Eden up to the window to inspect her face; it was her daily ritual to check that her child wasn’t looking more and more like Darryl each day. When Eden was born eight months prior, it was hard to Dorothy to tell who she looked like. But as the months passed, she thanked her lucky stars that her child was literally the spitting image of herself apart from having her father’s medium caramel skin tone. Dorothy also thanked the same stars that her own mother’s skin was caramel, because Joe’s skin was even darker than hers was.
Eden wriggled her chubby legs in the air and gurgled before a little saliva dribbled from the side of her mouth in that cute way that only babies can get away with. Dorothy wiped it with Eden’s baby blanket and then kissed one of her pretty apple cheeks, which made her gurgle even louder. As Dorothy carried her baby over to the porch to feed her, she thought about her beautiful daughter and what her name meant. Why had she named her Eden anyway? She recalled that she had been reading the bible a lot just before her daughter was born. Dorothy was looking for suitable names in the hope that God would have mercy on her and her illegitimate child. The name “Eden” symbolized her first daughter and also her own personal paradise. Eden was her world and she would do everything within her power to defend her and protect her. In fact, Eden’s pure innocence reminded her teen mother of everything that she used to be.
Dorothy guessed that she was religious in her thought, but no so much in her actions. Letting another man unknowingly raise a child that wasn’t his was a sin that she prayed that God would forgive her for. She had really intended to repent and never mess with Darryl ever again, but the events of the night before had proven otherwise.
I shouldn’t have let the devil get to me, thought Dorothy as Eden latched on to her breast. Darryl Lee is the work of the devil, she concluded to herself half-heartedly.
She was just about to curse his name out loud when she heard Joe’s heavy footsteps walk onto the porch. He was still in his white cotton boxers and Dorothy guessed he hadn’t yet brushed his teeth. His gleaming smile however revealed anything but – the sight of his woman feeding their baby was so endearing to him. His heart melted as he watched Eden suck determinedly on her mother’s plump breast.
“Hey baby…good morning.” Joe said in almost a whisper. “How is our sweetheart doing this today?”
“She’s fine Joe, same as always. Trying to suck the skin off-a me. I’m gonna ask mama how I can get her on to formula milk soon.” Dorothy replied.
“Ain’t that too soon? My mama fed me ‘til I was damn near two years old….”
“Joe, things have changed since you was a kid y’ know.”
“Yeah I guess. I just want the best for Eden that’s all. Anyway, I better be ‘bout my grind and get to work. Gotta make that money now that I’m a father!”
Dorothy cringed internally at his last sentence, but quickly asserted herself as he leaned down to kiss Eden and then her before making his way back into the house to take a shower. She watched his strong muscular frame walk off bare foot and fought her conscience not to call him back and tell him the truth about everything. If she did so, she would be a social outcast and also be sentencing Eden to an almost certain ostracism within their community. No, it was best to keep shut for now. Maybe one day she’d find a way to tell him – maybe by then, he would love Eden so much that it wouldn’t even matter. Maybe….
Darryl woke up the morning after the fact with a huge hard-on and a “Close up” smile. As he bounced out of bed, there was a spring in his step and he knew that nothing was going to ruin his mood for the day. Dorothy had quenched his thirst and the sun seemed to shine just a little bit brighter as a result. It was already coming up to 8 o’clock in the morning and he already had a plan. A major one – he figured that it would take about a year to set everything in motion, but in his mind time wasn’t even a factor. Even though he was 35, Dorothy was still only 16 and she’d already borne him one child. There was bags of time.
As he plotted away for the next quarter of an hour, Darryl stroked his dick softly. His thoughts pleased him and the vision of fucking Dorothy up against the tree eventually brought him to a satisfying orgasm under his clean sheets. He was just about to grab some tissue paper from the night stand to wipe himself down when Lucinda barged in.
“Darryl! Darryl!” she raged. “It’s nearly eight-thirty in the morning. Why the hell is your lazy ass still in bed?”
“Geez can’t a man get some privacy?” Darryl shot back. “I’m a grown man mom; you can’t just keep barging into my bedroom like that. Remember we talked about this before – boundaries!”
“Well it’s not as if you’d be in here with a lady friend is it?” she shrugged. “When your father was alive he’d achieved so much by your age. Why when I met him he already had a….”
“Okay, okay mom, I’m getting out of bed! The last thing I wanna hear about first thing in the morning is my father’s achievements and then being compared to him right after that. If you wanted me to be like him you should have let me leave this house like I wanted to when I was 25….”
“But I couldn’t have had you leave me Darryl; your father hadn’t long passed and I wouldn’t have been able to cope.”
“So we both agree that the reason your son is a layabout who stays in bed until past eight in the morning is your fault. Please quit telling me about how my father did this and that; I can see what he did mom – it’s all over this town.” He concluded and then sighed. “You know what? I need my space; I’m gonna stay at the Riverdene for the week. At least at a hotel I’ll be able to clear my head without you nagging me.”
“So you’ve seen her then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about mom….”
“You are aren’t you, you idiot! It’s only time that you ever get sassy with me – when you’ve gotten some tail! You stupid idiot Darryl! I told you to leave that Farmer girl alone. Isn’t it enough that you might be the father of her child? You wanna take the risk of being in that position again?! I will not have you ruin your father’s legacy by being caught with an underage girl do you hear me! I forbid it!”
Darryl watched his mother’s nostrils flare as she ranted; it wasn’t long before he coolly swung his legs out of bed and stood up.
“Mother, I have no idea what you’re taking about. That chapter in my life is over and for your information I saw somebody else last night.”
“Well she better be over 18 this time or I will cut you off – I’ll give my entire fortune to charity. Don’t call my bluff son; don’t think I won’t do it!”
“But mom, are you forgetting that I will inherit my father’s estate? You only have autonomy over it until I turn 40….” Darryl retorted.
“You stupid, dumb, imbecile! Haven’t you heard of bad investments? Yes, the trustees of your estate control what happens to your money until you inherit the fund. If we decide to back a lame horse with your money there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it until you turn 40. Might be all gone by then…don’t push me boy because I will do it!”
“Whatever mom…like I said I’m checking into the hotel tonight for the next week. I think I deserve some peace and quiet don’t you?” he concluded before slamming the bathroom door.
Lucinda walked back down the stairs with a smile on her face – she’d won. She was sure of it. But most importantly, he had been warned. As Darryl made small cuts on his arm with his razor blade in the shower, Lucinda bit into a hot slice of buttered toast and used an oily finger to flick open that morning’s copy of the Wall Street Journal.
Once Dorothy got back from school, she picked up Eden then fed and bathed her before putting her to sleep in her crib. Once the baby had drifted off to sleep, she set about making Joe some dinner for when he would get home an hour and a half later. Dorothy was completely immersed in chopping an onion when she heard a light tap. She thought it was just a tree branch against her window at first until the tapping got louder. Her eyes then widened when she saw Darryl looking desperate to come in at the other side of her back door.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She half-shouted.
“Let me in.” Darryl said.
Dorothy shook her head in exasperation and opened the kitchen door that led to the backyard to let him in.
“What are you doing at my house!” she said. “You can’t just come to my house…what the hell. Joe is gonna be home any minute now!”
“He’s still at the plant – he’s not gonna be home for the next hour. I’ve watched you enough times to know that much.” Darryl replied off-handedly. “Where is our daughter? I wanna see her….”
“Eden is sleeping. You can’t just barge in when you feel like it and decide you wanna see her. Look you gotta go…anyone could see us! How do you know that no-one even saw you come over here?”
“Relax babe.” Darryl said and slowly put his arm around Dorothy’s waist. “Nobody saw me because I parked a mile away and walked thru the woods to the back of your house.” He then held her closely and kissed her gently on the cheek before continuing. “I can’t stay away from you Dorothy…you set me on fire last night and I’ve been going crazy all day. I need to have you. I want you baby….”
“Darryl - it’s over. You can’t have me…please go.” Dorothy tried her best to sound convincing. She had to try to get him to leave somehow; but I her heart she knew that he wasn’t about to leave until he got what he wanted. “I can’t Darryl; we can’t do this. I can’t do this to Joe…not in our house. Please….” She said almost breaking down.
“Dorothy, I wish it was that easy. I wish I could let you go but I can’t. If you don’t want me to come here again then we’re gonna have to make arrangements so I can see you somewhere else.”
“I can’t Darryl. Why won’t you take no for an answer? I’m gonna be married soon too…I…I….”
He didn’t let Dorothy finish speaking and had already started to bend her over the kitchen table. She gasped audibly as Darryl got on his knees to kiss her deep chocolate ass; he then spread her legs open and dug his tongue inside her causing her to cry out. Out of desperation, she grabbed his head in an attempt to make him stop but that only made him work harder. Her thighs trembled as they struggled to keep up upright as Darryl licked in rhythm with her moans; then just before she was about to go over the edge, she heard the a knock on the front door.
“Shit!” Dorothy exclaimed. “He’s back early! He must have forgotten his key…what are we gonna do!”
“Calm down, sweetie calm down.” Darryl replied. “I’m just your old bible study teacher coming to see you that’s all. Don’t even trip…nobody is gonna think anything. Actually let me get the door.”
Evette was very surprised to see Darryl Lee open her daughter’s front door, much the same as he was when he saw her. He tried his best to mask his surprise and make small talk while giving Dorothy a few seconds to straighten herself up in the kitchen.
“Mrs Farmer! What a surprise, I was expecting Joe!” Darryl said exuberantly. “How lucky I am? I came to pay Dorothy and Eden a visit since I was just passin’ thru and you happen to drop by as well; and Mr Farmer? How is he doing?”
“He’s just fine Darryl, it’s a surprise to see you too since we haven’t seen you for so long.”
“Well now Dorothy is a busy mom, she can’t have bible study anymore can she?”
Evette nodded and then began to make her way into the house; her senses told her that something seemed odd, but she ignored them. Darryl and Dorothy? She thought. Nah! As she carried on into the living room, Dorothy made an appearance.
“Hi ma! I was just checking up on Eden, she was crying just now….”
“Hey baby. You forgot her blanket at the house.”
“Oh thanks mama – I’ve could have picked it up tomorrow, you didn’t have to come out just for that!”
“It’s no problem baby and you know if I didn’t come over then I wouldn’t have seen Darryl here.” Evette concluded and then turned to him. “It really is nice to see you again – you should come to the main house for dinner one of these days.”
“Oh Mrs Farmer I would love that and thanks for the invitation.” He replied with a charming smile. “But I do need to be leaving now. Wonderful to see you again ma’am…and you too Dorothy. Take care….
Evette’s eyes met Dorothy’s as Darryl left the house closing the door behind him.
“So what did he have to say?” Evette asked.
“Not much – just wanted to see Eden for most of it and he thought that Joe would have been home when he got here.
Evette nodded again and felt a little uneasy about what was in her daughter’s eyes; in the end she convinced herself that it was nothing.
“Okay baby, imma leave too since I need to go and cook for my own man….”
Dorothy’s heart finally sank down from her mouth once her mother had left her house. Darryl was now skating on thin ice. Joe arrived home ten minutes later.
Lucinda knew that her instincts weren’t lying to her – he was still seeing that girl and she was sure of it. So sure that she asked Warren Forbes to watch her son for a few days while he was staying away from home. It didn’t take long for a field report to come through. Darryl was indeed seeing the girl and he’d even had the front to go to her house when her husband was at work. So this meant only one thing; Lucinda must have a granddaughter after all. The Lee family blood had been tainted.
Lucinda thought about it for sometime before deciding what she was going to do about it; after all if something terrible happened to Darryl, there was no heir to the family fortune. It was clear that something had to be done. About half an hour later, Warren had found the number that Lucinda needed. She dialled slowly and then it seemed an age before someone picked up on the other end of the line.
“Hello…this is Dorothy.”
“Good day Miss Farmer. This is Mrs Lee speaking…Lucinda Lee.”
And Dorothy’s blood ran cold.
If you missed part 1, here it is!:
© Lady Lynxx 2010
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