Hey readers! Sorry that this took me a minute to get together - have just been busy as usual with other stuff. Will try not to be late with posting part 4 next week. Enjoy! - Lady Lynxx
Dorothy found it a strange irony that she had not once set foot in Darryl’s home. She was never…
Kay pulled up to Kathy’s house the day before the dinner to meet the kids. Even though it would have been nicer for Jack to have introduced her to his second set of twins himself, she thought it best to fill them in on what was going to happen and when they were supposed to come in during the dinner to surprise Jack. Kay had planned for them to show up just when she’d announced to him that they “wouldn’t be able to make it” and present them…
I have been busy of late...for those who have been following my writing career, I thought I would update you guys and show you the cover for my new novel and a preview of Chapter 3.
This is the cover and also the back of the book....
LL - Sorry I've been awol of late! I've been so busy finishing 'My Daddy's Money' and have not had time to post these K.Wilson blogs on here! Anyway, there are links to all the parts that are featured on balleralert.com under this post. I will eventually add the rest on my own site, but this is just for those that want to read from part 17 onwards. Thanks y'al for stopping by and enjoy!
Herman had sent a limo to pick Kay up at the airport; she thought it was a nice touch. At the same time, he was expecting to spend the entire night with her judging from the tone of their last conversation. He had the money to splurge anyway and it wasn’t the first time that he would pull out all the stops for a beautiful woman. Kay felt bad about lying to Jack that it was just a boring old…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on August 1, 2009 at 2:19am —
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LL - Hi ladies - thanks for waiting all weekend for me to finish this! Hope you enjoy!
Kay picked up her cell and dialled the number. She’d been thinking about Frank for the past week and decided to ask his counsellor how her ex was doing in the therapy sessions. Kay figured she may as well check up on Frank, since she was the one bank-rolling his path to being free of his destructive addictions. Stephen Price-Matthews…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on August 1, 2009 at 2:00am —
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LL- This novel is now complete and I am currently in the process of querying agents for representation. WATCH THIS SPACE! I will update this blog with my progress as and when.
Final draft of the first two chapters below! Enjoy....
Chapter 1
February 2005
Amaya Summer had it all. The worst thing was that she knew it. Waking up in…Continue
Originally posted by me on thisis50.com 31 June 2008
The Seductress - A Lady Lynxx novel
Chapter 1
‘Get out of here you little piece of shit!’ she screamed ‘I said get the fuck out!’
Little Heavenly cowered with fear as her mother struggled to find any random item as a projectile to throw at her head.
All she wanted…Continue
I did this work as a special series for Balleralert.com - look out for the novel with 5 extra chapters! As whispered to Lady Lynxx in the Boudoir...
Hi everybody, my name is Maria*. I am 25 years old and I am supposed to be happily married to Bernard*.
I love him dearly, and he's actually like my best friend. But that's the problem...he's just like a friend to me now, not a husband. I was a good girl, I…Continue
The Ambassador’s daughter - A Lady Lynxx novel
Original post from thisis50.com on 20th March 2008
Chapter 1
Ophelia loved to ride horses. It wasn’t a common past-time for most young black girls but Ophelia wasn’t any ordinary black girl. Kemi Ophelia Regina Emeka-Phillips was the only daughter of Nigerian Ambassador to the United States of America, Dr…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on July 22, 2009 at 9:22pm —
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LL - This series is written by my e-pardner Ladybass, who also posts on balleralert.com. Jack Benjamin-Ames is actually a character she created and we agreed that we would incorporate him in my Kay Wilson series as her love interest.
We both write our respective blogs ourselves, but we agree what happens in the plot lines of each blog, so as not to conradict each other.
PART ONE: Introducing Mr. BA himself: Mr.…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on July 22, 2009 at 9:00pm —
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LL – omg – is it part 15 already? We are halfway through the series and there are only 15 parts left until this is over….hang on people!
Ishmael paced up and down as he waited for his soon to be ex-wife in the great room. He’d already spoken to his attorney more than three times to go over the specifics of his particular case; Almira would in essence end up with nothing. Her reckless infidelity had seen to that. Ishmael…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on July 22, 2009 at 8:59pm —
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Almira pondered upon the numerous options set before her; now that she knew about the real Kay Wilson, what would she do with such privileged information? Tell Jack? Leak it to the papers? Or what…or what? she pondered to herself.
While she’d been in the middle of trying on a beautiful pair of dark brown patent croc YSL tribute heels; the thought of Kay had crossed her mind.…Continue
Added by lady lynxx on July 22, 2009 at 8:57pm —
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